Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Interview

Addilece's New Year's Interview: Age 2

  • Toy- my spinning toy [sit n spin]
  • Book- Sometimes I Pretend [by Kirk Roberts]
  • Game- McDonald [Old McDonald Pop and Match Game]
  • Food- Pizza
  • Color- Pink
  • Thing to do with Mommy- Read a book
  • Thing to do with Daddy- Read book
  • Place to go- Josiah's house [her cousin]

Best thing you did this year? Got Cars show [Cars 2 movie]

What do you want to do this next year? Watch a movie

If you could change your name what would it be? I wanna be Addilece

If you were a super hero what would power would you have? (omitted because of age)

What do you love about each person in your family? (omitted because of age)

What is you favorite thing about the Bible? reading it

King Kandy

Addilece and Daddy were playing Candy Land.  Daddy got to King Kandy first.

D: Yah!  I got to King Kandy.  I win.
A: Ting Tandy (King Kandy) says go to Chocolate Swamp!

Friday, December 30, 2011


We were riding in the car and Addilece wanted her glove on.  I was having trouble reaching all the way into the back to put it on.

Me: Addilece, you don't need it on because we have the heat on.
Addilece: We have the heat on?
M: Yes, that will keep your hands warm.

*A few minutes pass.*

A: Mommy, turn the heat off.
M: Flips heat off.
A: I want my glove on.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Where is Jesus?

On the way home from our Christmas Eve service Addilece asked where Jesus was.

Me: Jesus is everywhere.
Addilece: Where is he?
Me: He is everywhere.
A: I think he at home.
M: He's in the car with us right now.
A: He in the car?  *Thinks a minute....then cups hands.* I holding him in my hands.  I holding Baby Jesus.  *Few minutes later.*  Mommy, where Jesus feet?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Yesterday I was trying hard to get together a romantic surprise for Tony.  Addilece was doing everything in her power to make that not happen.  Frustrated I said,

"Addilece, I'm trying really hard to this for Daddy. 

She came up patted my back and very sympathetically said,

"It's ok Mommy.  You get it done.  It's ok.  We have time."

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A Nice Boy

Addilece: I'm going to get married.
Me: You are? To who?
A: A boy.
M: What boy?
A: A nice boy.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Best Friend

Addilece:  Mommy, I your best friend.
Me: You are? Am I your best friend?
A: No.
M: Oh.  Who is?
A: Josiah...........and Juli-nana

Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's My Job

Addilece playing with my mixing bowls and spoons...

Me: What are you making, Addilece?
Addilece: Water.
M: Your making water?  Wow.  That must be hard.
A: It's my job.
M: It's your job?  Who gave you that job?
A: God.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Last Name

Addilece: Mommy, where "S"?
Me: "S"? Which "S"?
A: "S".  Where "S"?
Me: You mean "S" and "E"? [sisters] "S" and "E" Gross?
A: No. She not gross.

Friday, December 9, 2011

She's What?

Addilece overheard Tony and I talking about a friend.  Tony told me, "She says she feels terrible and she sounds awful."  The rest of the week Addilece kept saying.  "Ms. D is terrible.  Ms. D is awful." 

Monday, December 5, 2011


For Thanksgiving we did "Thankful Leaves."  Here were the things Addilece was thankful for:

  1. Food
  2. Bella (her cousin)
  3. Daddy playing with her
  4. Her jacket
  5. Grandma and Grandpa (Tony's parents)
  6. Leaves
  7. Her cup
  8. Josiah (her cousin) because he has a Thomas book.]
  9. Daddy and Mommy
  10. Nana and Papa
  11. Songs
  12. Bears
  13. Giraffe
  14. Her toys
  15. Her blankets
  16. Toys to share

Phone Converstation

Background Story: On Tuesday night Addilece was babysat by a friend from church.  They have a daughter named Kendall.  Addilece calls her Tendall. 

Overheard while doing laundry:
Hello?  Tendall? 
How are you?
You good?
I come today?
Ok.  I come today.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Just making myself pretty

I put Addilece's hair up in pigtails and braided it.  This was the first time I was every able to do this.  She looked adorable and she knew it.  She decided she wanted to do "her makeup".  So I handed her a few make-up items and set her on the bed while I did mine.  She knows that make-up for her is "just pretend".  I turned around and discovered that she thought she would be wearing eye shadow.  She still looked adorable though.

Later I was telling her Daddy I was bummed to not have a camera to capture it.  5 minutes after I got off the phone she said this:
A: I sorry.
M: Your sorry? For what?
A: For camera.

Friday, November 25, 2011

While going to the bathroom:

Daddy you get out.  I need pie-see (privacy).

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Addilece has declared herself a "big girl" for quit awhile so the beginning of this conversation baffled me:

Addilece: I a baby.
Me: You're a baby?  I thought you were a big girl.
A: No I a baby.  Dam-ma (grandma) and Damp-pa (grandpa) come babysit me.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Baby Jesus

We were reading Addilece's Bible to her when she came across a picture of Jesus as a baby.  She was very interested in him.  After finding out all about Baby Jesus she declared, "I see him in heaven."

The next day we had this conversation:

Addilece:  Jesus in heaven.
Me: Yes, Jesus is in heaven.
A: I walk Him.
M: Your going to walk WITH Him?  Yeah, I bet you can.
A: No, I walk Him and hold Him, and feed Him.
M: Ohhh, you mean BABY Jesus?
A: Yeah!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nanas not Nana

I asked Addilce if she wanted Banana's for lunch.  She got all excited saying "Nana for lunch. Nana for lunch."  At lunch time she ask, "Where Nana?  I eat lunch with her."  I had to explain to a very disapointed little girl that she could have BAnanas for lunch but her Nana was not coming for lunch.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Good Momma

The other day I was carrying Addilece around.  She began patting my back and saying , "You a good momma.  You a good momma."

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Not My Daddy

Addilece: Mommy, who dat? *points to a picture of Daddy as a kid.*
Me: That's Daddy.
A: Who dat? *still pointing to the same picture.*
M: That's Daddy as a little boy.

We go back and forth with the same question and answer about ten times before Addilece looks up and declares, "Dat not MY Daddy!!!!"

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Funny Names

Tony has a few Redneck Comedy DVD's (I'm not sure what their actual names are).  Addilece was looking at the cover and began asking what each of their names where.

Me: That one is Jeff Foxworthy.
Addilece: He's not a fox.

M: That one is Larry the Cable Guy.
A: Da Table Guy? 
M: Yes, do you know what a cable guy is?
A: Not dat.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wonder where she's heard that before....

The other morning with all of us in the same bed....

Alarm rings.
Tony shuts it off, crawls back into bed and declares, "5 more minutes of cuddling."
Six or seven minutes later Tony says, "It's time to get up now."
Addilece sits straight up in bed, looks at the alarm clock and yells, "No, just two more minutes."

Friday, September 16, 2011

Favorite Words

There are somethings that Addilece says that I find absolutely adorable.

George-es = Gorgeous
Tales = Veggie Tales
Bob damatoe = Bob the Tomatoe
Uh Prob-e = Probably
That my Daddy = That's my Daddy
Tome here = Come here

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Chicken and the Rooster

On a busy busy day....

Me: After this I'm going to run around like a chicken with its head cut off.
Addilece: No!
M: No?  How about a bear with its head cut off?
A: Ok. *Thinks a minute.* Probably a rooster.

 The rest of the day she kept saying, "I'm a chicken, mommy.  You do rooster."

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Of Course I have It

While in the car....

Me: Addilece do you have your cup?
Addilece: Yes.
M: Where?
A: At home.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

That's Better

Addilece and I had gone outside to paint a light.  I had brought a skein of yarn out with me to hang the light from a tree.  I was painting away when I hear Addilece declare:

Addilece: That's better, mommy.
Me *not looking up, still painting*: Is it better?
A: That's better, mommy.
M *still not looking up*: Yeah, it's better.
A: That's better, mommy.

I FINALLY look up to find out that the "better" was the skein of yarn that was now completely unraveled and in a tangled mess on the ground.

Friday, August 26, 2011


One morning.....

"Brrr.....Add-ece hot!  Brr....Add-ece hot!"

Little Negotiator

Me: How's my pretty girl?
Addilece: I six.
Tony: No, you're two.
A: I six.
T: No, you're two
A: No, I six.
T: You're two, Addilece.
A: I three.


After nap time I asked Addilece if she wanted to get some underwear on.  She told me that she wanted a diaper.  I walked over to her diaper box and turned around to find her hold one of her princess pull-ups (or princesses as we call them).

Me: Addilece, let's put this diaper on.
Addilece: Pin-cess, mommy.  Pin-cess.
M: Those are too expensive, let's put one of these on.
A: Pin-cess.
M: Addilece, those are for when we are out and about.
A: I neeeed it.  I neeed it.  I neeeed it.  I neeeeed it. I neeeed it.  I neeed it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Learning Something

During our talk after a time out.....

Addilece was having a hard time concentrating because of the buttons on my shirt.  I had repeatedly told her to look at my eyes only to have her look away a split second later.  Finally, I said with more frustration in my vioce, "Addilece, look at my eyes!".

Addilece *looks up*:  "God made buttons."

Well, at least we've got the fact that God made everything down.

A few minutes later I was explaining that when I had told her to sit in time out she had dawled, she had not had fast feet.  She looked up clapped and said "Dill-ji hands" (diligent).


Someone at the mall play place the other day declared, "Wow she's got a personality."  She sure does!

Oh Dear

Daddy and I were having a converstation at the dinner table about what he would cook if anything happened to me.  He made a list that went something like: hamburgers (twice), pizza, and tacos, plus anything and everything grilled.

Daddy: Isn't that right Addilece.  We will have the same meals every single week.
Addilece *throws head back*: Oh Dear!!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


At the park with Daddy....

Addilece: Daddy, up here.  Come up here.
Daddy *after coming up to the top of the play place*: What do you need?
A: Slide.  Slide Daddy.
D: You want Daddy to slide?  You just want me to get all the water off the slide don't you (it was really wet)?  Alright, I'll dry it off for you. 
*Daddy slides down the slide and lands at the bottom VERY wet.*
D: Ok, you can slide down now.
A: No. Add-ece go down steps.  *Starts to climb down steps.*
D: Why won't you slide down?
A: Wet down dere.  (there)


Addilece has discovered a new word: energy.

She likes to exclaim "Add-ece, ENERGY!!!!!"

She then laughs hard and begins to prove that yes indeed she has a whole LOT of energy.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Right Now

If Addilece wants to do something she will ask for it over and over again.  "Later" is not a good answer for us.  We've taken to doing favorite activities around other daily events to help explain when we will be doing them better.  So if knows that she can watch a "show" (tv) after "night-night time" (nap).

Addilece: Walk, mommy.
Me: Not right now, its too early in the morning.
A: Go on walk, mommy.
M: How about after our snack?  We'll go after snack time.
A (thinks a minute): Eat, mommy

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ho-dy Tow

Tony was driving the back way to a friends house.  He realized at the last second that he was at his turn.  He
quickly pushed hard on the breaks and swung the car around the corner.  From the back Addilece yells.

HO-DY TOW (Holy Cow)!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Grumpy Pants

After nap time....

Me: Are you a grumpy-pants today?
Addilece (wearing a dress) looks at herself.  Thinks for a minute.  Points to her dress and says.  "No pants!  Add-ece's dress."


Daddy: Your cute.
Addilece: Add-ece tute?  (Addilece cute?)
D: Yes, Addilece is cute.
A (points to me): Mommy tute?
D: Yes, Mommy is cute too.  Mommy is gorgeous.
A: Add-ece george-is (said very matter of factly).

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Yeah Right Mom

This morning at breakfast I told Addilece's she need to chew with her mouth closed (it's time to start working on that....right?)

She put her lips together.  Made several funny faces in an attempt to chew with her mouth closed.  She then looked at me and declared, "no, no, no, no, no."  And started chewing with her mouth open again.a

Friday, July 8, 2011

Night-Night Time

For her first birthday Addilece received a Violet Leap Frog Dog.  (Very neat toy by the way).  It talks to her, says her name, plays with her, but most importantly (as in what it is used for most) it sings her to sleep.

The other day she had dumped it in her crib along with a few other toys and told it "night, night."

Violet had hit a button when she fell so it began to talk to her. "Addilece, you want to play?"

Addilece immediately spun around, stuck her finger in the air, and declared. "No! Night-night time."

P.S.  You can blame this one on her Daddy.

How Old?

Me: Addilece are you almost 2?
Addilece: No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Daddy: No?  Are you almost 10?
Addilece: Yes!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Not Me

Conversation about the spilled bowl of cereal.

Addilece: Cer-ral? Cer-ral?
Me: Did you finish it?
Daddy: No, it was dummed all over.
Me: Addilece, who spilled the cereal?
Addilece: Mommy
Me: I don't think so.
Addilece: Daddy
Daddy: No, I didn't.  Did you?
Addilece: No, Papa.


Addilece had just finished a time out....

Me: Addilece, why did you have to sit in a time-out?
Addilece: *silence*
Me: What did you do?
Addilece: Stuff

Monday, June 13, 2011


Addilece started speaking sentances are a few.

Mommy [where] are you? (Playing hide n seek)

Go find Daddy. (Wanting us to go find Daddy.)

Wha da madder? (What's the matter)

Sit down. (points to the spot next to her)

Mommy's side. (Pointing to my side of the bench at Popeyes)
Add-ece's side. (Climbs onto same side)

Talkin Daddy. (Talking to Daddy at lunch time)

A Gross Daddy

Daddy was in the middle of getting ready for work when Addilece climbed on top of his belly. 

A: *Points to hair on chest.* Yuck!
D: *Glares at me.* That's not yucky.  It's just hair. (On a side note....I did NOT tell her that Daddy's chest hair was yucky)
A: Just some hair.
D: *Laughing* That's right, it's just some hair.
A: Gross. Nassy (Nasty)

Getting It

Me: Addilece, who did Jesus die for?
A: Dam-ma (grandma)
M: Grandma? That's right.  Who else?
A: Jessie
M: Aunt Jessie? That's right. Who else?
A: Tina
M: Aunt Tina? That's right. Who else?
A: BODY!!!
M: That's right He died for EVERYBODY!

Making Mommy Stop.

Me: Addilece, who loves you?
Addilece: Damp-pa (grandpa)
M: Who else?
A: Dam-ma (grandma)
M: Who else?
A: Papa
M: Who else?
A: Nana
M: Who else?
A: BODY (everybody)

Smart Girl!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Boy vs. Girl

My sister and her family were visiting for the weekend.  In the morning while everyone was getting ready for church she acquired all three kids in her room (by herself).  She handed both Addilece and Josiah (just turned 2) a hair band.

Addilece stuck her hair band on her wrist.  Held it out.  Looked at it.  And declared. "Princess."

Josiah took his hair band.  Attached it around two fingers.  Fired it.  And declared, "Shoot!"

Friday, May 27, 2011


After giving Addilece a snack.

Me: What do you say?
Addilece: Please.
M: And?
A: Stares at me.
M: Attempts to give a hint by signing thank you.

Cutest Prayer

Me: Dear Jesus
Addilece: Dear Je-SUS
M: I love you
A: Lov Vu
M: Thank you for all you've given me.
A: Div Me.
M: Thank you for Mommy.
A: Nank you Mommy.
M: Thank you for Daddy.
A: Nank you Daddy.
M: Thank you for all my clothes.
A: Nank you clothes.
M: Thank you for my house.
A: Nank you house.
M: Thank you for my toys.
A: Nank you toys.
M: In Jesus Name.
A: Name.
M: Amen.
A: A-MEN!  Yah!!!  *claps*

Wish I could of recorded this!

Oppss....Daddy got Caught

I came downstairs this morning and Addilece and I did I typical rountin:

Addilece: "Morn--ing, luv vu (morning, love you)"
Me: "Good morning, love you too."  *Bends down and gives her a kiss.*
Addilece: *Holds up sippy cup.* "MILK, CHOC-IT (chocolate)"
Daddy:  "ADDILECE, you weren't suppose to tell her."

Daddy got busted!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Addilece handed Daddy the comics and asked him to "read".  As soon has he started she goes "ha, ha.  Funny."

Monday, May 23, 2011


While I'm doing stuff (cleaning, cooking) I often let Addilece play on our front porch.  However, the rule is she can't go past the bottom step.  Today I had warned her that if she did she would be in a time out.

After having put her in time out once today for getting off the porch I discovered she had wondered off again.  I went to the side of our house and stood at the end of our side walk with my hands on my hips (she was at the other end of the house).

Before she noticed me she came running back towards the porch (I think she was trying to keep from getting caught).  Suddenly she looked up and noticed I was there.  She let out a high pitch squeal, giggled, and took off running the other way.

In my most serious "you better listen NOW" voice I said, "Addilece" and pointed to the ground in front of me.  She started heading back but in the process began shuffling her feet, dropped her shoulders, cocked her head to the side and declared, "Time out." 


Everything belongs too...

Addilece is in a stage of recognizing that different things belong to different people.  She loves walking around the house declaring who owns what.  However, I have noticed that typically most things belong to Daddy in her labeling (the flashlight, the computer, boots, the deck of cards). 

Me: Does Mommy have anything?
Addilece (points to shirt I'm hanging up): Shirt.

Well, at least I own something.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


We are potty training.  I had just gotten done reminding Addilece to tell me if you needed to go potty.  This is what she said to herself? me?  I'm not sure which.

*While shaking head no.* "Baby, baby."
(I replied w/ "that's right you're not a baby anymore.")
*Points to self.* "You, you."
*Shakes head yes.* "Me, me."
*Still shaking head yes.* "Add-ece, Add-ece, Add-ece."

Yes, she really thinks of herself as all of those people.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tay? NO!

When Addilece gets hurt she runs up and tells us "Tay, Tay, Tay!"  (Okay, okay, okay) until we say "Are you okay?"  Then she goes on her happy little way.  The other day somwhere between the transfer out of the store cart and the transfer into the car I accidently hurt her.  She started shaking her head no and saying, "No tay, no tay, no tay."

Friday, April 22, 2011


Addilece heard the thunder this morning and immediately declared, "BEAR!"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Who Me?

Tony: Addilece, did you pull some of the leaves off this plant?  You know that's off limits.
Addilece: Mommy!
T: Mommy did it?
A: Yeah!
T: No, I don't think Mommy did.
A: Person!!
T: A person did it?
A: Yeah!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Me: "Addilece, we are buying a house today.  We get to go see it tonight!!!"
Addilece: *Thinks for a minute.* "Damp-pa?" (Grandpa)
M: "Yes, Grandpa is going to be there."
A: "Night?"
M: "Yes, you get to see him tonight?"
A: *Pauses again to think* "Siding!!" (Exciting)

Tickles from Granpa

Friday, April 8, 2011

No, It's THIS!

Addilece had been playing with a little figurine (an owl, which I had explained to her) that usually adorns her room (but was down because we are packing).  She had been taking the figurine (which was quit heavy) and dropping on her book.

Me: Addilece, don't drop that.  You need to be nice to your book AND your bird.
Addilece (looks up at me): OWWW, OWWW!! (owl, owl)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Last night Addilece had been enjoying a glass of milk and some cookies with Daddy.  I had grabbed a few cookies right before they had finished and was leafing through some coupons we had received in the mail.  Addilece came up to me and said "share, share."  Thinking she wanted to be cute and look through the paper with me I picked her up.  Immediately she reached for my cookie declaring "share, share." 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


This is by no means a humorous post.  It is something I feel I need to journal and remember and I feel like this is the best place to do bare with me.

On Sunday we went to Mrs. Killingsworth's visitation.  None of us had expected that Addilece would even know what was going on so we didn't think much about taking her through there.  When Nana was close to the casket Addilece started saying "sleep-en, sleep-en, sleep-en" and pointing at her.  Realizing it was really starting worry her Nana told her that "She's with Jesus."  She quickly walked away from the casket.  For quit a bit after that Addilece would point to the casket and tell Nana or myself "Jesus."

She really did understand that something wasn't right.  She wanted Mrs. Killingsworth to be "woken up".  I think that she could sense that her body was not like the rest of ours.  I'm glad that we could tell her that she was with Jesus and I'm glad that Addilece understands that to be a good thing.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Fuddy (Funny).  She has got this word down.

After me telling her she was funny, she said "I too fuddy."

She was walking around w/ a blanket over hear head b/c she was "hid-en" and ran into a wall. 
I let out a laugh (that I was trying to hide).
Addilece turns around, "Fuddy???"

Addilece held out her bowl to get some strawberries I was cutting up.  I was able to get two in but right as I was about to put the other two in she moved the bowl.  The strawberries fell to the ground.
A: Lets out a hysterical laugh..."FUDDY, FUDDY, FUDDY"

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ok, You Have It

Addilece had asked for Charms (Lucky Charms) for breakfast (something she has done a lot) but only ate the marshmallows (she has never done this).  We took some of the cereal away but left some and told her she needed to finish it.

After this food battle had lasted a while I knelt down by her seat and told her that she needed to eat the food she asked for.  I said "Can you eat your cereal?" She smiled a sweet smile while vigorously nodding yes.  Then she picked up a handful (at this point I was on cloud nine that  she was going to eat it) and handed to me to eat instead so I could eat it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


After trying to get on a shirt that needed to be unbuttoned a bit more before being put on:

Addilece: Saw-ee, saw-ee, saw-ee (in whines)
Mommy: Do I need to say sorry?
A: Yes (more whines)
M: I'm sorry!
A: kisses, kisses (holds out forehead fot kisses)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I had just gotten done telling Addilece our emphamis line "use your words, not your whines." and I asked her this:

Mommy: Addilece do you have big words?
Addilece: No
M: Do you have little words?
A: No
M: Do you have medium words?
A: No
M: Do you have medium words?
A: No
M: Do you have anywords?
A: No
M: What words do you have?
A: Just one word!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Our parrot has started doing a little more then parroting:

Daddy (to me):  Honey, you can't judge.
Addilece:  No judge.
Addilece is babbling.
Daddy: Is that right baby girl?
Addilece: I right!

Which One?

A converstation with Papa yesterday:

Papa:  Addilece say "hacky"
Addilece: Yucky
P:  Hacky
A: Yucky
P:  Ha-cky
A:  Yucky

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Present from Pawpaw

Pawpaw was sweet enough to give all his grandkids something for Valentine's Day.  We kept them up rather late that night (sorry guys!!!) and Addilece was very out of it when she recieved her present.  The next morning she grabbed the gift and without prompting yell "CHOC-EE".

Monday, February 14, 2011


We are having a particularly trying day around in trying Mommy's patience.  So I grabbed the bag of M&M's and dashed to our bedroom for a quick breather.  I was able to grab a handful out and hid the bag before Little Miss cam plodding in behind me.

I had the yummy snack hidden in my hands when Addilece decides to grab my hand with out anything to investigate.  I show it to her but she's still not convinced.  So I "skillfully" switch the candy to my other hand and show her hand two is empty.  Board she grabs hand one to try and take me some place.  In the processes she feels the M&M's in my hand.  Her eyes light up and she yells "OOOOOOOO".  I was CAUGHT!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Daddy leaves the room to use the restroom.
Addilece points at him and looks at me, wondering where Daddy went.

M: Daddy's going potty.
A: Poddy??
M: Yes, potty.


Eating super last night (Taco Salad)

Daddy: Here Addilece, try a piece of lettuce.  It's good.
Addilece (without touching the lettuce): It's yuck!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Addilece has an attachment to two different "bank-ees".  The last couple of days she has been super interested in a BIG blue blanket that Daddy gave me for my birthday shortly after we started dating.  Its really similar in feel.  It has become our "snuggle blanket".

This morning Addilece grabbed one of her blankets, the big blue blanket, and my hand.  She pulled me over to the couch, patted one of the seats and declare "NUGGLE" (snuggle).  How can a momma say no to that?

Anothe picture from the day.  Addilece with her blankets and a book.  Love days like this.


This morning Daddy said "buh-bye" a few minutes before he had to actually leave.

Addilece holds out forehead for a buh-bye kiss.
Daddy gives it.
A:  Mo-ee's toorn.... (and points to Mommy)
D: gives Mommy kiss.
A:  My toorn (points to self
D: kisses
A: Mo-ee's toorn (and points to Mommy)
D: kisses
A: My toorn  (points to self)

She did this for about 10 minutes

Saturday, February 5, 2011


We are always telling Addilece how pretty she is.  She can parrot the word but she's never said it with any meaning.  Until:

Addilece (pointing to hersefl): I pitty (pretty)
Daddy and Mommy:  Yes!  Your are!
A (runs up to Daddy and points):  You pitty
Mommy:  Awww....yes, Daddy's pretty.
A (runs up to Mommy and points):  You pitty
Daddy:  Mommy is VERY pretty.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Yesterday Addilece ran into my bedroom while I was getting ready.  In toddler jibberish she told me something was very wrong.  She grabbed my finger and pulled me into the kitchen.  She had taken four things from her play kitchen and dropped them into the sink and couldn't get them back.  I got them out of the sink for her and went back to getting ready.

Ten minutes later I realized she was padding back and forth between the kitchen and her bedroom.  When I went to investigate this is what I found:

Just for Papa.....It's everything AND the kitchen sink.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


This is "A" tock-in on the "phone."  Its a pretty common occurance at our home.  Here is a calculator.  Its also been a hand help (rather old school) battle ship game from her Daddy and an old broken cell phone.  She'll also use Daddy and my cells if she gets ahold of them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Irresistibly Cute

These are some of "A's" words that get me every time.  I can't help but wear a huge smile on my face every time I hear them:

Nelmo (Elmo)
Choc-ee (Chocolate)
Da Poo (Pooh)
Da Book-ee (Book)
Tis-kit (Triscut)
Da-a-lee (Addilece)
Dane-jis (Dangerous)
Lub OOO (Love You)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Of Course Not!

While riding in the car:

"A" from the back seat: No, no, NO, nope, No!
Me:  You just like to say "no" don't you?
"A": Noo.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


"A" was watching Mary Poppins last night:

Me: Is the movie good?
A: NUMMMM (yummm)

Thursday, January 27, 2011


"A" was sitting in her carseat, strapped in when she started to whine.

Me: What's wrong?
A: Tuk!!! (Stuck)

Yes, indeed.  You are very very stuck when you are in the carseat Baby Girl

Sunday, January 16, 2011

BIG Tubble

The other day I had the couch pulled out to look for something that was missing and to fix slip cover that was on it.  A suddenly became VERY intent on pushing it back where it was suppose to go.

A (after not being able to push it back into the place): You'n tubble (trouble).
Me: I'm in trouble?
A: Tubble!
M: Who am I in trouble with.
A: Da-ee (Daddy)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Come Where?

Yesterday A was more interested in playing then getting ready for church.  I was sitting in her room and as I often do I took my finger, pointed to the spot on the ground where I wanted her and said, "Come here!"

After not responding I said "Addilece, listen to Mommy's words.  Come Here!"  (Again pointing to the ground.)

A looks at me, squats down, takes her finger, points to the ground and says "Om ere."

While I was trying to stifle a laugh A again squats down, takes her finger, points the ground and says, "Om ere, Mom!"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


A while getting a poopy diaper changed:

Points to bottom and says: Isa (it's a) pop (poop).
Me: Yes, its poopy.
A: Yuck!

Daddy can't Sing

Most days we listen to Pandora toddler music on the computer.

Last night A pulled on Daddy to tell him she wanted him up.  He got to his knees and she yelled "DAN" (dance).  Daddy started going "do-doo-doo-da-doo-da" and dancing with her.  A got down and walked over to computer and started tapping on it looking at Daddy.  Apparently she didn't really like his music.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Pawpaw and Mawmaw (Daddy's parents) brought by A's new Christmas present last night (they needed to replace the original b/c we had too many of the same thing).  Because of the time and the need to get Cousin J home (they were out celebrating his birthday) Pawpaw brought it up and left.  They missed seeing her excitement.  So, this video and pictures are for them.....

Daddy didn't realize we were recording a video and said "I sound like an idiot".  I think its cute.  I love that Daddy can be fully Daddy w/ his little muchkin and not worry about anything else. 

Sorry these all really needed cropped....