Thursday, October 18, 2012


Addilece was giggling and hands me a coconut water she had been drinking.

A: Here mommy.  Try this.
M: No. I don't like it.
A (giggles some more):  Neither, I!!!  (I don't like it either)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bad Words

Daddy was working on something way up high above our second story.  He dropped something and knew he would have to go pick it up.

Daddy: Darn it!
Addilece (from the ground): Daddy that's a BAD word.  We don't say that word.  We say "oh no" instead.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Big Brother had to change his outfit so it would be more appropriate for a visit with his parents.  He was all the way "dressed" including his shoes.

Me: Big Brother did you put on your socks.
BB (looks down at shoes): I put on one!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Addilece was hanging out with her "Grandma Carol and Bob".  She had been sitting on a booster seat on a chair by the table.  When she went to climb down Bob held on to the booster for her.  However, it still slipped a bit.  She declared:

"I'm alright.  But that wasn't in the plans."