Monday, January 31, 2011

Of Course Not!

While riding in the car:

"A" from the back seat: No, no, NO, nope, No!
Me:  You just like to say "no" don't you?
"A": Noo.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


"A" was watching Mary Poppins last night:

Me: Is the movie good?
A: NUMMMM (yummm)

Thursday, January 27, 2011


"A" was sitting in her carseat, strapped in when she started to whine.

Me: What's wrong?
A: Tuk!!! (Stuck)

Yes, indeed.  You are very very stuck when you are in the carseat Baby Girl

Sunday, January 16, 2011

BIG Tubble

The other day I had the couch pulled out to look for something that was missing and to fix slip cover that was on it.  A suddenly became VERY intent on pushing it back where it was suppose to go.

A (after not being able to push it back into the place): You'n tubble (trouble).
Me: I'm in trouble?
A: Tubble!
M: Who am I in trouble with.
A: Da-ee (Daddy)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Come Where?

Yesterday A was more interested in playing then getting ready for church.  I was sitting in her room and as I often do I took my finger, pointed to the spot on the ground where I wanted her and said, "Come here!"

After not responding I said "Addilece, listen to Mommy's words.  Come Here!"  (Again pointing to the ground.)

A looks at me, squats down, takes her finger, points to the ground and says "Om ere."

While I was trying to stifle a laugh A again squats down, takes her finger, points the ground and says, "Om ere, Mom!"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


A while getting a poopy diaper changed:

Points to bottom and says: Isa (it's a) pop (poop).
Me: Yes, its poopy.
A: Yuck!

Daddy can't Sing

Most days we listen to Pandora toddler music on the computer.

Last night A pulled on Daddy to tell him she wanted him up.  He got to his knees and she yelled "DAN" (dance).  Daddy started going "do-doo-doo-da-doo-da" and dancing with her.  A got down and walked over to computer and started tapping on it looking at Daddy.  Apparently she didn't really like his music.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Pawpaw and Mawmaw (Daddy's parents) brought by A's new Christmas present last night (they needed to replace the original b/c we had too many of the same thing).  Because of the time and the need to get Cousin J home (they were out celebrating his birthday) Pawpaw brought it up and left.  They missed seeing her excitement.  So, this video and pictures are for them.....

Daddy didn't realize we were recording a video and said "I sound like an idiot".  I think its cute.  I love that Daddy can be fully Daddy w/ his little muchkin and not worry about anything else. 

Sorry these all really needed cropped....