Sunday, December 9, 2012


Addilece went shopping with me to find some new blue jeans.  I HATE pants shopping....but she made it way fun:

Looking at scarves:

"OOOO, MOM!  This is SO pretty.  AND it's my favorite color.  You already have two scarves, so do you want to buy it for me?"


Looking in the mirror in the dressing room...

A: Look.  There's pretty! (points to self)
M: You're right, you are so pretty.
A: And your pretty mommy.
M: Awww...thanks.
A: And you'll be REALLY pretty when you put your pants on.

Oh Yeah

After dropping the boys off at school Addilece hands me a hair clip and several "berries" she had pulled off a bush;

A: "Here mom.  Hold on to these."

When we were getting close to home (three blocks later) she asked if she could hold my hand.  I hold out one finger seeing that my hand was pretty full.  She was frustrated with this and flipped my hand open to investigate what was making it so full.

A: "Mom why do you have that stuff in there?"
M dropping the items into my coat pocket: "Because you asked me to carry them."
A: "Oh yeah.  Here let's zip your pocket closed so you don't loose them."

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Not You

I was headed on a night out with other foster moms, by-my-self, and was explaining this to the kids.  Baby Girl was convinced that she was going to get to come too.

Baby Girl: "And me mommy? And me mommy? And me mommy?"

Little Man glares at her and declares:  "No, Baby Girl!  Just mommy!!!"

Friday, December 7, 2012

If You Want

A ministry called King's Closet is run out of our home.  It is a clothing closet for Foster Families and is stocked through donations.  One day we had several tubs of donations sitting in our entry way.  Addilece runs over to me and grabs me by the hand:

"I HAVE to show you something mom.  Look at these. (Points to some pink sandals).  You can get those for ME if you want."

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Our mall has a bunch of the machines that you need to put quarters in to ride.  They cost $.75 for a 1 minute ride so we never let our kids actually ride it (Tony would have to make $45 an hour to pay for it).  We do however let them sit and climb on them.  One day we were at the mall doing this when another child came over and actually got to ride one.  Immediately Little Man runs over to me, grabs my purse, and declares: