Friday, May 27, 2011


After giving Addilece a snack.

Me: What do you say?
Addilece: Please.
M: And?
A: Stares at me.
M: Attempts to give a hint by signing thank you.

Cutest Prayer

Me: Dear Jesus
Addilece: Dear Je-SUS
M: I love you
A: Lov Vu
M: Thank you for all you've given me.
A: Div Me.
M: Thank you for Mommy.
A: Nank you Mommy.
M: Thank you for Daddy.
A: Nank you Daddy.
M: Thank you for all my clothes.
A: Nank you clothes.
M: Thank you for my house.
A: Nank you house.
M: Thank you for my toys.
A: Nank you toys.
M: In Jesus Name.
A: Name.
M: Amen.
A: A-MEN!  Yah!!!  *claps*

Wish I could of recorded this!

Oppss....Daddy got Caught

I came downstairs this morning and Addilece and I did I typical rountin:

Addilece: "Morn--ing, luv vu (morning, love you)"
Me: "Good morning, love you too."  *Bends down and gives her a kiss.*
Addilece: *Holds up sippy cup.* "MILK, CHOC-IT (chocolate)"
Daddy:  "ADDILECE, you weren't suppose to tell her."

Daddy got busted!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Addilece handed Daddy the comics and asked him to "read".  As soon has he started she goes "ha, ha.  Funny."

Monday, May 23, 2011


While I'm doing stuff (cleaning, cooking) I often let Addilece play on our front porch.  However, the rule is she can't go past the bottom step.  Today I had warned her that if she did she would be in a time out.

After having put her in time out once today for getting off the porch I discovered she had wondered off again.  I went to the side of our house and stood at the end of our side walk with my hands on my hips (she was at the other end of the house).

Before she noticed me she came running back towards the porch (I think she was trying to keep from getting caught).  Suddenly she looked up and noticed I was there.  She let out a high pitch squeal, giggled, and took off running the other way.

In my most serious "you better listen NOW" voice I said, "Addilece" and pointed to the ground in front of me.  She started heading back but in the process began shuffling her feet, dropped her shoulders, cocked her head to the side and declared, "Time out." 


Everything belongs too...

Addilece is in a stage of recognizing that different things belong to different people.  She loves walking around the house declaring who owns what.  However, I have noticed that typically most things belong to Daddy in her labeling (the flashlight, the computer, boots, the deck of cards). 

Me: Does Mommy have anything?
Addilece (points to shirt I'm hanging up): Shirt.

Well, at least I own something.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


We are potty training.  I had just gotten done reminding Addilece to tell me if you needed to go potty.  This is what she said to herself? me?  I'm not sure which.

*While shaking head no.* "Baby, baby."
(I replied w/ "that's right you're not a baby anymore.")
*Points to self.* "You, you."
*Shakes head yes.* "Me, me."
*Still shaking head yes.* "Add-ece, Add-ece, Add-ece."

Yes, she really thinks of herself as all of those people.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Tay? NO!

When Addilece gets hurt she runs up and tells us "Tay, Tay, Tay!"  (Okay, okay, okay) until we say "Are you okay?"  Then she goes on her happy little way.  The other day somwhere between the transfer out of the store cart and the transfer into the car I accidently hurt her.  She started shaking her head no and saying, "No tay, no tay, no tay."