Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ho-dy Tow

Tony was driving the back way to a friends house.  He realized at the last second that he was at his turn.  He
quickly pushed hard on the breaks and swung the car around the corner.  From the back Addilece yells.

HO-DY TOW (Holy Cow)!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Grumpy Pants

After nap time....

Me: Are you a grumpy-pants today?
Addilece (wearing a dress) looks at herself.  Thinks for a minute.  Points to her dress and says.  "No pants!  Add-ece's dress."


Daddy: Your cute.
Addilece: Add-ece tute?  (Addilece cute?)
D: Yes, Addilece is cute.
A (points to me): Mommy tute?
D: Yes, Mommy is cute too.  Mommy is gorgeous.
A: Add-ece george-is (said very matter of factly).

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Yeah Right Mom

This morning at breakfast I told Addilece's she need to chew with her mouth closed (it's time to start working on that....right?)

She put her lips together.  Made several funny faces in an attempt to chew with her mouth closed.  She then looked at me and declared, "no, no, no, no, no."  And started chewing with her mouth open again.a

Friday, July 8, 2011

Night-Night Time

For her first birthday Addilece received a Violet Leap Frog Dog.  (Very neat toy by the way).  It talks to her, says her name, plays with her, but most importantly (as in what it is used for most) it sings her to sleep.

The other day she had dumped it in her crib along with a few other toys and told it "night, night."

Violet had hit a button when she fell so it began to talk to her. "Addilece, you want to play?"

Addilece immediately spun around, stuck her finger in the air, and declared. "No! Night-night time."

P.S.  You can blame this one on her Daddy.

How Old?

Me: Addilece are you almost 2?
Addilece: No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Daddy: No?  Are you almost 10?
Addilece: Yes!