Saturday, March 30, 2013

Trading Ribbon

Addilece and I were on a date.  I was looking for hair ribbons to go with their Easter Dresses and I was allowing her to pick out a few for me to make into other ribbons.  After she had finally found two she liked, and I had stuck one (a white one) in her basket she pipes up and says:

A: "I found a different one I like."
M: "Ok, but you have to trade it for one you already have."
A: "I like this one and this one, but not the white one.  I'm going to trade it for the white one."
M: "Uh, the white one is mine."
A: "I know!  I'll put it back."

Monday, March 4, 2013

After You

Three 3 year olds fighting to get into the car.

Me: Little Man, say 'After you.'
Little Man: After me.
Me: No, 'after you.'
Little Man: After ME!
Me: No, 'AFTER-YOU'.
Little Man (defeated): After you.