Sunday, December 9, 2012


Addilece went shopping with me to find some new blue jeans.  I HATE pants shopping....but she made it way fun:

Looking at scarves:

"OOOO, MOM!  This is SO pretty.  AND it's my favorite color.  You already have two scarves, so do you want to buy it for me?"


Looking in the mirror in the dressing room...

A: Look.  There's pretty! (points to self)
M: You're right, you are so pretty.
A: And your pretty mommy.
M: Awww...thanks.
A: And you'll be REALLY pretty when you put your pants on.

Oh Yeah

After dropping the boys off at school Addilece hands me a hair clip and several "berries" she had pulled off a bush;

A: "Here mom.  Hold on to these."

When we were getting close to home (three blocks later) she asked if she could hold my hand.  I hold out one finger seeing that my hand was pretty full.  She was frustrated with this and flipped my hand open to investigate what was making it so full.

A: "Mom why do you have that stuff in there?"
M dropping the items into my coat pocket: "Because you asked me to carry them."
A: "Oh yeah.  Here let's zip your pocket closed so you don't loose them."

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Not You

I was headed on a night out with other foster moms, by-my-self, and was explaining this to the kids.  Baby Girl was convinced that she was going to get to come too.

Baby Girl: "And me mommy? And me mommy? And me mommy?"

Little Man glares at her and declares:  "No, Baby Girl!  Just mommy!!!"

Friday, December 7, 2012

If You Want

A ministry called King's Closet is run out of our home.  It is a clothing closet for Foster Families and is stocked through donations.  One day we had several tubs of donations sitting in our entry way.  Addilece runs over to me and grabs me by the hand:

"I HAVE to show you something mom.  Look at these. (Points to some pink sandals).  You can get those for ME if you want."

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Our mall has a bunch of the machines that you need to put quarters in to ride.  They cost $.75 for a 1 minute ride so we never let our kids actually ride it (Tony would have to make $45 an hour to pay for it).  We do however let them sit and climb on them.  One day we were at the mall doing this when another child came over and actually got to ride one.  Immediately Little Man runs over to me, grabs my purse, and declares:


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Whatever We Want

Addilece had been begging to watch a show all morning.  However, she knows that we don't shows until after we get Big Brother from school. 

A: Mom. After school (her preschool homeschool) can we (her and Baby Girl) do whatever we want?
Me: Umm....sure.
A: Ok. I want to watch a show.

Monday, November 26, 2012

More Pizza

We were eating at a pizza place.  Little Man had started to throw a fit so Tony took him away for a talk and had told him he needed to apologize to everyone for his fit.

Tony: Little Man what do you say to everyone.
Little Man: I want more pizza!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Addilece was giggling and hands me a coconut water she had been drinking.

A: Here mommy.  Try this.
M: No. I don't like it.
A (giggles some more):  Neither, I!!!  (I don't like it either)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bad Words

Daddy was working on something way up high above our second story.  He dropped something and knew he would have to go pick it up.

Daddy: Darn it!
Addilece (from the ground): Daddy that's a BAD word.  We don't say that word.  We say "oh no" instead.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Big Brother had to change his outfit so it would be more appropriate for a visit with his parents.  He was all the way "dressed" including his shoes.

Me: Big Brother did you put on your socks.
BB (looks down at shoes): I put on one!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Addilece was hanging out with her "Grandma Carol and Bob".  She had been sitting on a booster seat on a chair by the table.  When she went to climb down Bob held on to the booster for her.  However, it still slipped a bit.  She declared:

"I'm alright.  But that wasn't in the plans."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Nap Time

I walked upstairs to find Little Man laying sweetly in his bed.  He had put his du-rag on and had covered himself up.  With a big smile I sat down to sign to him.  Suddenly I realized there was a big bump under his covers.  It was his favorite book.

He ALMOST got away with it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Not My Fault

Little Man brought me a cup of milk that had been from breakfast.

Me: Ewww.  That's probably pretty yucky.
Little Man: Da-ee pour it.  Da-ee pour it. Da-ee pour it.  Not me.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


The kids had been begging to have coffee.  I decided to squelch there little cries I would go ahead and let them have a sip or two....of BLACK coffee that is.  They were full of giggles but I could tell from how little disapeared from the glass that it was yucky.

After they "enjoyed" their coffee I doctored mine up with a pretty fair about of French Vanilla creamer and sugar.  Addilece asked to look in my cup.  When she did she declared:

"MOM!  We didn't want BLACK in our cups.  We wanted WHITE!"

Friday, August 31, 2012

Clean Up

Baby Girl had refused to help with our afternoon pick up.  I only let kids who help with pick up play in the front yard.  So, she was stuck inside with me.

Baby Girl: "Mom. Go outside?"
Me: "No, I let little girls who help with pick up time go outside and you did not."

Baby Girl runs over the couch.  Reaches under. Pulls out two dirty socks.  Then trots off.

A few minutes later:

Baby Girl: "Baby Girl picked up."

Ha ha.  Nice Try.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

God Made It

The kids had discovered a worm.  Addilece was intent on smashing the thing with  a rock.

Me: Addilece, don't kill the worm.
Addilece: Why not?
Me: Because God made it and we don't want to kill it.

A few minutes pass....

Addilece: Mom why can't I smash it or cover it with a rock?
Me: Because God made it.
Addilece:  But God made the rock too!

Guess you can't argue with that logic.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

She's not little.

Big Brother had been talking about one of the kids in his class.  Based on the name I thought I had figured out who it was.  She is a bit bigger of a kiddo.

Me: Is that a little girl?
Big Brother:  She's not little mommy.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Move Mom

I was sitting on Daddy's lap sideways.  Addilece came up to the side where my legs where and kissed Daddy on the cheek.  She did this again two more times.  Then she went to the other side where my back was.  She tugged on back....

"Move please mom."

Then she reached up and kissed that cheek.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Where Did THAT Come From?

While Addilece had been napping we transplanted a rose bush.  Addilece was a bit baffled by the new location.

Addilece: Daddy, is that a pokie bush?
Daddy: Yes.
Addilece:  Why did it grow?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Bed time.

We switch saying good night for the kids.  One night I do the boys and Daddy does the girls and the next night we switch. 

Daddy was talking to Baby Girl......

Daddy: I sing songs to little girls who get ready for bed with out an attitude.

Addilece: Actually, it's Mom's turn for the girls.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Friends and Names

Talking with Big Brother about his first day of school:

Me: Did you make any new friends?
Big Brother: YEAH!  Like a hundred of them!
M: A hundred?  Wow!  That's a LOT of friends.  What are their names?
BB: I don't know.  They didn't tell me their names.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

One or the Other

Kicking and screaming I placed Addilece in the "calm down" chair.  She was upset that Little Brother had taken "her" balloon and I WAS NOT making him give it back.

Me: You may get up when you get a better attitude.
Addilece *looks over the side of the chair and declares in the sweetest voice*: Oh's my OTHER balloon.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Addilece received some play make-up for her birthday.  She had gone a bit (a lot bit) overboard on the lip gloss. 

Big Brother:  Addilece!  Your lips are MESSED UP!
Addilece: I know.  That's why I had to put lip gloss on them!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Good Cooking

Big Brother walked up to me looking at the cookbook while making cookies.

BB: Mommy what is that?
M: A cookbook.
BB: What is it for?
M: It tells me how to make things.
BB: Oooohhhh......that's why you make such yummy food!!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I was talking to a friend who had stopped by to give Addilece her birthday present.  As we were talking Addilece popped her head between us and declared:

"My mommy's de-stressed today."

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Not a Morning Person

Addilece (in a very sing-songy voice): "Good morning Baby Girl!"
Baby Girl (with a very sour, tired face): "No 'goodmorning Baby Girl'!"

Friday, July 20, 2012

Toy Hair

Daddy was stroking Addilece's hair.

A: Daddy, stop.  Your hurting it.
D: I'm sorry.  I'm not trying to.  I just like playing with it.
A;  It's NOT a toy.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


I was counting with Baby Girl.  While I was counting I was holding up fingers.  Baby Girl was counting after me and holding up fingers.

M: One.....two
BG: Ooo
M: Three
BG: Eee
M: Four
BG: Or
M: Five
BG: slaps my open hand....IIIIII

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Addilece:  "Mommy theirs a waaahhh, waaaahhhh sound."
Me: "You mean the crickets?"
Addilece:  "Yeah!"

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

It's Time

A: "When can we watch the movie?"
D: "Soon."

Addilece looks at her watch (which doesn't work).

A: "My watch says that it's time for the movie."

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I walk up the stairs and find Addilece at the top ready to declare something very important:

"Mom.  When I get married I can be make-it (naked) with a boy."

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Addilece was playing mini golf at a local 4th of July celebration.  We were right next to the "paint ball field".  While shooting the ball she heard the rat-a-tat-tat of the gun.  She looks up and quickly declares:

"Whose clapping for me?"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Date Night

Tony and I were going on a date night.  Our guy was rather instered in the night....

When we told him we were going on a date he said:
"Your not suppose to go on dates after you get married."

Later he asked what we were going to do on our date.  We explained we were going to the park and grilling.
Our Guy:  "Oh that sound like fun.  We can play at the park."
Me:  "You are not going."
Our Guy:  "Awwwwwww.....Why nooooot???"

Friday, June 22, 2012


Addilece was playing "school" with me. She was the teacher and I was the pupil.  I kept raising my hand and when she wouldn't answer me I started to "cry".  Addilece walks over, lits up my chin, looks in my eyes, and while patting my cheek declares:

"It's ok dearest child.  Now, be quiet!"

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Mix

Our guy held out his arm to me.  He shows me the top and says,

"This is the African side."

He then flips his arm over and says,

"This is the Irish side."

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Big Girl

Our Guy was eating some breakfast and I asked Addilece to give him a cup.  She hands it to him and says:

"This is a big girl cup.  You have to drink it like a big girl."

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Addilece had requested several times for a raisin from my cereal.  Several times I had told her that she wasn't getting another raisin.  Finally she declared:

"Let's talk about this.  I need a compromise."

Friday, June 1, 2012

I'm just Addilece

Addilece said something to "Our Guy".  I wanted her to leave him alone so I said:

M: Addilece, come on.
A: I'm not being a parent.  I'm just being Addilece.

Monday, April 30, 2012


We have a mantra we repeat with Addilece.  I was quoiting it with her the other day and this is what she came up with:

M: ....And we take care of? (I was looking for orphans)
A: Foster kids and organs!

She's How Old?

Addilece is 2 1/2 going on 15 (or older).  Sometimes the things that come out of her mouth make us stop and go, "she's how old again?"

I was washing dishes:

A: Mommy come look at my ballerinas.
She takes me into the living room to show me the little people dancing.  I begin to twirl in a circle.
A: No Mommy!  You have to go do your chores.


In the background you can hear an Elmo Game saying "press any key to watch me dance.":

A: I can't Elmo, I'm busy.  I'm getting ready to go to the library.


Driving in the car with our friend Ms. D

Ms. D: Would you like to go to McDonald's for lunch?
A: There are several McDonald's.


M: Addilece do you want to go wave to Daddy?
A: No.  I'm good.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Appreciate That

Daddy:  Did you know I love you?  I'm so glad you're my little girl!  I just love you so  much!
Addilece:  I 'preciate (appreciate) that Daddy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Princess Boots

We were getting ready to go to the park.  I told Addilece to wear her boots (her everyday boots).  She comes back with her Princess Snow boots.

A: Mommy?  Can I please wear my pin-cess boots?
M:  Umm....yeah I guess that's alright.  Go down and tell Daddy I said it was ok.

Trots down stairs.

A: Daddy, Mommy said I could wear them.
D: Wear what?
A: My pin-cess boots.
D: They are going to look goofy.
A: No they're not.  They have pin-cesses on them!
Addilece in her Princess snow boots and sun glass.  It was about 70 degrees out.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Addilece Speak

Here are a few things you will need to know to understand Addilece:

"Girraffi Shoes"= Crocs
"Somethings happening to my butt/bottom"= She has a wedgy
"Zizps me" = Zip up her coat
"Toilet wiper" = Toilet paper
"It tells us to play" = The instructions to a game
"She's a princess" = Anybody wearing a skirt or a dress

Friday, April 13, 2012


Addilece was pooping and made a funny noise (like you sometimes do when you use the bathroom).....

"Mommy.  Do I have a hiccup on my bottom?"

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I was in the bathroom when I turn around and see Addilece coming down the hall.  She had her hands over her head and was taking big, stomping steps.  She began yelling, "I AM A GIANT! I AM A GIANT! I AM A GIANT!"

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Flower Picture

Addilece was showing one of her Sunday School pictures to her Daddy.  It said, "Happy Springtime" across the top.  Along the bottom were flower stems.  They had glued cup cake wrappers on each flower.  She had colored green inside the flowers.

A: Look Daddy.  It's my Sunday School paper.
D: Oh very pretty.  Are these flowers?
A: Yep. 
     And seeds (pointing to the scribbles of green).
     And glue.

Monday, April 9, 2012


One day Addilece declared in the store:

A: "I'm a GENIUS."
M: "You are?"
A: "Yeah."

The next day she was struggling to pull up a pair of pants and says:

"I lost my genius!!!!"

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Saving For...

This past weekend we took the money Addilece had recieved from birth and put it in a savings account for her.  The teller asked her what she was saving for.  We replied:

"We told her is was for college or a car or something like that.  If she had a choice it would be for candy."

Twenty minutes later another customer in the bank asked her what she was going to buy with her money.  She replied:

"A lollipop."

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I'll Take It Then

Addilece has two imaginary friends: Tashala and Natalie.

A: Mommy can I have another piece of candy.
M: No you already got the two you can have for this morning.
A: Can Tashala and Natalie have candy.
M: Sure.
A: Here you go Tashala.  You want candy?  No? Ok.  Mommy Tashala doesn't want her candy.  Can I have it?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Where did Dora go?

The other day Addilece had not pulled her pants and underware up after using the restroom.  In the process she lost them.  We told her we needed her to put them back on.  A few minutes later we realized she had gotten them twisted when we hear her yell in complete frustration:


Thursday, March 29, 2012

All Better

Daddy was sick one day:

A: Can I give you a hug Daddy?
D: Sure.
Addilece gives him a big hug.
A: Now you feel all better.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Time Out

Hanging out at Grandma Carol and Bob's House:

A: Can you caught me?
Bob catches Addilece.
A: You are in time out?
B: Why am I in time out?
A: Because you caught me.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Addilece's prayers melt my heart:

Daddy's Meal Time prayer goes something like this:
"Bless this food to our bodies and bless the hands that prepared it."

Addilece's immitation goes like this:
"Nank you food.  Nank you bless it to our bodies.  Nank you bless the hands that prepare it. 


Sitting with Grandma on the porch swing.  Grandma attempts to talk to her.

A:  Grandma I'm praying.
G: Oh sorry.
A: I'm saying, "Nank you God for that park."

Her aunt took her to the park 5 minutes later.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Addilece is obsessed with pockets.

A: Mommy, what can I put in my pocket?
M: You can put anything you want.

Half an hour later

M handing Addilece a bag: Here Addilece.  Do you want to go put some carmals in this for Mommy?
A: I have some right here.  Proceeds to pull three carmals from her pocket.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


The other day was a day for flowers....

Addilece picked two dandilions and handed them to me:

"Here you go Mommy.  Here are flowers for gettting married.  Now you can get married to Daddy.


We found a section of the sidewalk full of flowers.  Addilece went to town picking them.  When there was about three left she gets up and declares:

"I'll leave the rest for someone else."


Daddy arrived home to admire our beautiful flowers. 

D: Wow those are really pretty.
A: Yeah, we give them a drink of water.  But we can't give them a bath, just a drink of water.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Daddy was in the bedroom.  Addilece and I were in the hall.

D: Hi Gorgeous.
A swings head around door: HIIII!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Eye on You

Addilece covered up one eye with her hair:

"Daddy, I got my eye on you!"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Standing in church next to a friend holding her 14 month the middle of a song.

A: Mommy, "S" is not singing. (friends 14 month old)
M: Your not signing either.
A: But I CAN'T sing.  I don't know hooowwwww!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Planning the Night

On a Sunday night....

A: What are we going to eat?
D: Pizza
A: Is it family night?  Are we going to watch a movie?  Are we going to watch my Car movie?

Two minutes later she shows back up with her Car movie in hand.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Pointing to a chicken leg bone on her plate:

"Is that a dinosaur bone?"

Monday, March 5, 2012

No Yelling

I was running behind on getting ready for Bible Study one morning.  I place Addilece by the door to look for our ride.

M: Yell when you see Ms. Debbie
A: Mommy, we don't yell.  That's a bad job.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Little Parent

I was messing around with my necklace and had absent mindedly put it by my mouth.

A: Don't eat your necklace Mommy.
M: I wasn't eating it, I was playing with it.
A: Don't play with it, it's not a toy.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Daddy

Addilece was helping me with laundry by taking the clothes out of the dryer and handing it to me.  One of the shirts was her Daddy's from high school.  It had a volkswagon beetle on it and said "Geek Squad".  She looked up at me and said:

"This is my Dadddy's race car....from when he was a race car driver."

Monday, January 23, 2012

Who's going to do it?

Said to Daddy and Addilece as they were walking down the stairs together


A: Not us.  Your are!

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Addilece has this new obsession--asking what the meat we are having says (i.e. pork is a pig and says oink oink).

While frying hamburger....

A: We goiung to have horse.  Next year.
M: No, we don't eat horse.
A: What do we eat?
M: Cows, chickens, pigs, turkey, deer, fish....

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Talking to a friend...

Friend: How was Christmas?  Was it good.
Addilece: It's over.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Day

We just had our first big snow of the winter.  Here were a few cute conversations.

Referring to the snowgirl we had just built:
A: You got him hat and gloves?
M: Yep.  Were going to put them on her.
A:  To keep him warm!

A: I got something on me. (She hates "having stuff on her")
M: What?
 A: Snow.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


After waking up from nap time.

A: Good morning.
M: Good morning.  How are you?
A: Stinky.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Phone Converstations

Addilece was on the phone talking to her Daddy.

A: Bye Daddy.
D: Oh.  Bye pretty girl.

Hands the phone back to me.
Picks up pretend phone.

A:  Hello?  Papa?


On the phone with Daddy (again).  Also holding pretend phone to other ear.

A:  Hi!!!!
D:  Hi!!!
A: No.  I not talk to you Daddy.
D:  Who are you talking to?
A: I call myself.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Daddy heard Addilece playing at 4:30 in the morning.  He went to make sure she wasn't out of bed.

He found her laying in her bed with a "caterpillar" on her blanket.  It was trying to escape from the "helicopter". 

What an imagination!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Addilece had bonked her head and started to wimper

I picked her up to check her out and she declared, "I no want you to kiss me anymore, Mommy."

Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's a Match

Addilece was playing a matching princess card game with Daddy.  She found a Jasmine and a Sleeping Beauty Princess.

Addilece: "Do they match?  They both have a birdy!"

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Hug

It was 3:30 in the morning.  I pop my eyes open to find Addilece right by my face.

Addilece: I need a hug, mommy.

I give her a hug.

A: Daddy needs to take me to bed.

If this was a one night or even once a night occurrence it might be funny. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Where Is Jesus?

During bath time...

Addilece: I don't like that noise.
Me: Its just the heater.  But you don't have to be scared.  You know why?  Who is always with us?
A: God is with us!
M: That's right!
A: And baby Jesus is with us.
M: Well, he's not a baby anymore.
A: Baby Jesus is in the bathtub?
M: He's in this room with us right now.
A: Jesus is going potty.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Daddy Wants

Addilece:  Mommy, what you doing?\
Me: Getting ready to make muffins.
A: Ohhhh..
M: Go ask Daddy if he wants muffins.
A trots into the living room: Daddy do you want muffins?
Daddy: Muffins?  Yeah, thats fine.
A trots into the kitchen: Daddy wants cookies.

Friday, January 6, 2012

A Horse Says

While playing with her 2nd cousins:

Older 2nd cousin: What does a horse say.
4 year old 2nd cousin: Neigh!
Addilece: No!  It says giddy-up.