Friday, October 22, 2010

Going On A Trip

A's new thing is to take this bag and carry it around. Its one of those free-be bags you get from the hospital (you know, filled w/ formula and a million pamphlets).

I typically ask her if she's going on a trip when she carries it around. So what does a 1 year old take on a trip w/ her?......

Hair products of course....such a girl.
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  1. Has she seen you pack hair products in a bag similar to that one for trips? :)

  2. No, not really. Thats her bag and my hair products usually get stuffed in the pockets of suit cases.....and I never take that But she does know what they are for. She sees me use them on myself and on helps get the curl into her hair.

  3. Haha. :) Well, at least she recognizes the need for them. That's a fun story to hang on to for later-in-life retells.
