Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Not Great

Little Man's therapist was playing a memory game with Addilece and him.

T: Hey, Little Man.  I think we should put the rest of the cards in here. 
LM: No.  That's NOT a great idea?
T: It's not?
LM: No.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Writing Names

Little Man's Therapist was asking Sweet Pea how to spell her day.

SP: "A-d-d.........what's next Mommy?"
M: "i"
SP: "i......what's next?"
M: "l"
SP: " l is just a line."

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Adam and Eve

Me: "Sweet Pea your disobedience is NOT funny."
Sweet Pea: "But I just learned it from Adam and Eve."

Monday, November 4, 2013

Reading a Book

After talking to Sweet Pea about an inappropriate behavior she said:

 "I'm sorry mommy. Would you like to make you and me feel better by reading me a book?"

Friday, November 1, 2013

Baby GIRL?????

Sweet Pea: the baby growing I'm my tummy...he needs lots of food.
Me: oh it's a boy?
Sweet Pea: no it's a girl.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Typical conversation with Sweet Pea....

Me: GO get-your-socks-on!
Her: Why do you make me do all the hard stuff like Cinderella?
Me: You're four and I asked you to get dressed.
Her: Yeah but Cinderella had to do all the work and so do I.
Me: Get your socks on.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Best One

I overheard Baby Girl singing, "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe"

She got to, "You're the best one." And landed on Big Brother. 

"Here you go."  she said, pushing a napkin in front of him. 

In the napkin were bits of her breakfast that she didn't want.

Friday, October 25, 2013


Tony was trying to was sleeping because he didn't feel very good.  Sweet Pea ran up to him and yelled, "WAKE UP DADDY!"  After he popped open his eyes she declared, "Are you sleeping?"

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The President's Armies

Big Brother was working on memorizing his verses for Awana.  He was suppose to say:

"In the presences of my enemies."  Psalm 23:4

He said:

"In the President's Armies."

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Baby Girl and I were reading her special book, "Baby Girl is Special."

Me: "Baby Girl is.....?"
M: "Baby Girl is Special."
BG: "And cute!"

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Line

Addilece and Daddy were looking at some letters.  Daddy would show her a letter and she would tell him what it was, if she knew it.  She picked up an "L".

"This ones easy Daddy.  It's a line.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Rich and Famous

Addilece was talkimg to Little Man.

A: Hey, Little Man.  Do you want to be rich and famous?

Addilece then hands him about 15 pennies.

Friday, August 30, 2013


Tony and I were borrowing the first three Star Wars Trilogy from the library.  On the cover was a picture of Yoda.

Addilece: "Mom, is this an adult movie?"
Me: "Yes."
Addilece: "That's because it has an adult Shrek!"

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

After Me

We make the child whose seat is by the van door that's open say, "After you." to everyone as they climb in.

The other day I heard Little Man (whose seat was by the door) climb in before everyone and declare:

"After me!"

Monday, August 26, 2013


Little Man had carried an entire glass of water to the table and then spilled it. We asked him to clean it up.  He would take a small sheet of paper towel and get it sopping, throw it away, and then get another small sheet.  This went on for 10 minutes before he was done.  When he finished he sat down, grabbed his cup and declared:

"Hey!  Where my water?"

Friday, August 23, 2013


It was time for Bible Time.  I had been sitting on the floor cleaning a few things up when Little Man plopped down beside me and immediately started to use me as a resting place. 

Me: "Hey.  I'm not staying.  But your cute."
LM: "CUTE?  Awwww....."

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Class

We were watching a nature movie.  There was a big school of fish swimming around.....

Addilece: "Mom that's a school of fish."
Me: "Yep, you're right."
Addilece: "Yeah.  It's a pretty big class."

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Planet

We were at my parents house and the kids where watching a movie done by Universal Studios whose icon is the world spinning.

Baby Girl: Hey look!  We've been there!
Addilece: Yeah, that's earth.  That's where we live.
Baby Girl: Yeah, and Nana and Papa live their too.
Addilece: Mom, do Nana and Papa live on that planet with us.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Daddy's Name

At an appointment...

Person: And what's your husbands name?
Me: Anthony.  Snyder.
Addilece:  Her husbands name is NOT Anthony Snyder.  It's Daddy Tony!!!

Friday, July 26, 2013


Addilece has Quiet Time in our Guest/Craft/Sewing Room.  She gets into stuff that she shouldn't sometimes in the name of "play".  I get kinda fed up with it.  So, when I came in one day to find that the curtian rod had been pulled and bent I was not too thrilled.

Me: Addilece!  Why do you always mess with stuff?
Addilece: I just love too.
Me: Well, I don't care what you love....
Addilece: But mommy, I love you!

Yes, one of those "oopppsss" moments as a parent.

Me: Well, I love you too!
Addilece: See, you do care what I love.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pretty Clothes

This is a typical morning conversation with Addilece....

A: Can you pick out my outfit for me?
M: Sure.  How about this one?
A: No.
M: You said I should pick.  What's wrong with it?
A: You didn't pick this prettiest one.  THIS is the prettiest one.  I'm going to wear this one.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Yummy Berries

Tony had found some mulberries hidden in the back of our frig...

Tony: These are disgusting.
Me: Are they moldy?
Big Brother: Yeah.  That's why they're mold berries.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

All Done

Daddy was holding his breathe under the water.  Baby Girl was counting to see how long he could make it.  She made it till about 13 before her counting started to waver....

Baby Girl: 10, 11, 12, 13...17........22, 23.........25.......................Ok, you can come up now.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Eating People

Big Brother: Do we kill people to get ribs?
Dad: Do we eat people?
BB: No.
Dad: Well, then no we don't kill them to get ribs.

Little Man: I eat people.
Dad: No, you don't.
LM: And monsters too!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


We've been trying to teach Little Man the sign for "help". 

Me: Do you remember the sign for "help"?

signs the word help

LM: Help?

signs his version of help

Me: Yep.  Do that if you need help.
LM signs help again: I need help.
Me: What do you need help with?
LM: I don't know.

Monday, July 8, 2013


We took the kids to their first real fireworks show in the fourth.  Before the show they were testing everything with some fireworks that just made noise.  Little Man called  them "boomers".  A little later he declared that he wanted to go play at the park.

Me: "No bud, the fireworks are about to start."
LM points to the sky: "But there no boomers."


Dad: "Do you like the boomers?"

Friday, July 5, 2013

Too Big

Addilece had gotten her shorts into a tangled mess and couldn't get them pulled up.  Daddy went to help her pull them up.  She looked at him and declared:

"I think I'm gettin too big for my britches."

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Converstations of Three Year Olds

Last night Addilece was leaning on her arm (sitting on the ground, hand on the ground, arm up).  Little Man decided that would be a good spot to sit and so started our adventure into Convenient Care and X-Ray Land (thankful it's just "hurt", not broken).  The conversations Addilece had with the nurses was hilarious.

What is your name and when is your birthday?

My name is Addilece.  And I already had my princesses birthday but I don't know when my next birthday is.

What happened?

Little Man, he sat on my arm and it hurt a lot.  Now it only hurts a little bit though.  I don't know why he sat on my arm.

When did this happen?

Well, we were going to go to the pool but then Little Man sat on my arm.  It was right after Quiet Time.  And we had already read Charlotte's Web.

Who is Little Man?

Well, he's not my Prince.  Big Brother is my Prince.  Little Man is Baby Girl's Prince, not MY Prince.

Do you have a job yet? (small talk from the Doctor)


Why Not?

Because I just have chores.

Oh, do you vacuum?

No, that's what Big Brother does.

Then later on the phone with Daddy....

What's the verdict?

Well, I got lots of stickers.  Not because I'm special but because I did good.  I did really good getting my picture (x-rays) taken.  So they gave me lots of stickers.  And now we are at McDonald's getting supper.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Addilece had found a "rolly polly" bug and placed it in her bug jar from VBS.  We had sent her outside to find some "little sticks" to place in it for the rolly polly to climb on.

A few minutes later she came in declaring that should couldn't find any.  So mommy went outside to help her.  I found a stick and handed it to her.

Me: Here's one.
Addilece:  NO!  Not a TWIG, mom!!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


The kids where singing the following song from Veggie Tales:

"God is bigger than the boggy man.  He's bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on tv."

Suddenly I hear Baby Girl singing this:

"God is a cheeseburger.  God is a cheeseburger.  God is a cheeseburger."

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Parent

Addilece was being bossy to Baby Girl

Me: "Addilece quit being her parent.  She already has enough of those."
Addilece: "I'm not being  her parent, I'm just telling her what to do."

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Bloody Nose

Addilece thinks a snotty/runny nose is a bloody nose.

Big Brother sneezes....

Addilece: BLOODY NOSE!!!
Big Brother: It's NOT a bloody nose, it's a snotty nose.
Addilece: I don't know whether it's bloody or snotty. I'm ONLY in PreK!!!!!

Monday, June 17, 2013


Big Brother:  "Mom is there something brown above my lip."

It took a lot to hold back the first comment that came to my mind: "Child you are bi-racial of course there is brown above your lip."

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Eating Heads

We were hiking during our camping trip.  One of the trails we were on had signs about the trees.  One of these trees was used to make golf club heads.  This greatly perplexed Baby Girl.  For the rest of the hike she wanted to know:

"WHY do we EAT people heads?"

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Miracle

We were out garage saling and Addilece found a Princess Place Mat.  She informed me that this was something to set on the table and if anything spilled then it would spill on that and keep the table clean.  I mumbled, "Wouldn't THAT be a miracle".

A few minutes later I heard her telling Big Brother this:

"This is mat that I set on the table.  Then I can eat on it.  And if I spill it will keep the table clean.  It's a miracle!!"

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


A talk about taking showers led to a talk about marriage....

Little Man: "I married."
Me: "Who are you going to marry?"
LM: "Dora"
Me: "You know Dora is fake right?"
LM: "Yeah. I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map."

Sunday, May 12, 2013


There was a man in front of us at the check out at Walmart.  He was wearing a Kilt.  I knew this because his shirt said "If this were a skirt I would have something on under it."

Addilece pipes up:

"Mom, that man looks so beautiful in that skirt."

Friday, May 10, 2013


Addilece has decided to speak Spanish.......EXCEPT she's not actually speaking Spanish.  Instead she is making up words.  Instead of Hola/Hello she says "Boogla". 

While walking home from dropping Big Brother off at school she shouts "Boogla" to a gentleman walking by.  The problem was that this gentlamen happened to be one of about 10 Hispanics we have in this town. 

She quickly followed her greeting by declaring: "That's my Spanish word."

Sometimes I wish I had a rock to crawl under

Friday, April 5, 2013

Ugly Shirts

Addilece: Mom, I am so sad.  My shirt is ugly.  It's brown.
Me: I don't think it's ugly.  I think it's cute.  It can be a plain color.
Addilece: Yeah, but I don't like plain colors.  I like pretty shirts.
Me: Well, MY shirt is gray.  I think it's cute.  Don't you?
Addilece:  NOOOOOO!!!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Trading Ribbon

Addilece and I were on a date.  I was looking for hair ribbons to go with their Easter Dresses and I was allowing her to pick out a few for me to make into other ribbons.  After she had finally found two she liked, and I had stuck one (a white one) in her basket she pipes up and says:

A: "I found a different one I like."
M: "Ok, but you have to trade it for one you already have."
A: "I like this one and this one, but not the white one.  I'm going to trade it for the white one."
M: "Uh, the white one is mine."
A: "I know!  I'll put it back."

Monday, March 4, 2013

After You

Three 3 year olds fighting to get into the car.

Me: Little Man, say 'After you.'
Little Man: After me.
Me: No, 'after you.'
Little Man: After ME!
Me: No, 'AFTER-YOU'.
Little Man (defeated): After you.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A River

Addilece was showing me a picture she had drawn.

"On this side is a spider web"

Flipping picture over.

"And this side is a pee accident.  A big one.  Like a river."

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I was telling Addilece why I loved her.  I listed about five different things that I thought were special with her.  Then I stopped.  She looked up and declared:

"What ELSE were you going to say."

So I went on.  After a few more compliments she said:

"Ok.  I'm going to get a book now."

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I told you...

We were eating dinner and the food was HOT.  We gave ample warning to the kids. 

Addilece: "Big brother be careful it's hot.  It's hot be careful.  Be careful Big Brother."

Big Brother takes a bite and looks up with a look that says he's suprised how hot it really is.

Addilece shaking head: "I told you it was hot.

Thursday, January 24, 2013



Mom, I almost said "darn it."
But I didn't say "darn it".
Because I know we aren't suppose to say that word.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Addilece:  "There are a MILLION donkeys and they are all holding on to a rope and walking.  Can you imagine that mom?  Can you just imagine?"

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Good Nap

Addilece: "Mom can we watch a movie?"
Me: "We are about to go down for quiet time/nap time soon."

5 minutes later....

A: "Mom I'm SOO tired.  Can I go take a nap?
M: "Sure, I guess."
Addilece turns and heads upstairs.

Less than 2 minutes later....

Suddenly Addilece appears down stairs.
A: "I took a nap.  Now, I'm done. Mom can I watch a movie?"

Monday, January 21, 2013

Friday, January 18, 2013


My back is not the greatest.  To "save" it I can no longer carry any of my three year olds.  They are constantly hearing: "No I can't because it will hurt my back."

One day Addilece declares:

"Mom my back hurts.  I'm old."

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I never give Little Man milk because he rarely actually drinks it, but he always asks for it.  This morning was no exception.  After he finished eating the toast he had asked to have for breakfast he asked from some cheerios.  I obliged but came back 5 minutes later to find the milk in the bowl gone and not a single cheerio eaten. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I drove up to the McDonald's drive through with Little Man in the back seat.  We stopped on the first big sign before the intercom to wait our turn. 

Little Man yells out:  "Hello!....It talks mommy."
Me: "Oh yeah?  Not this one.  The next one does."

We then pull forward and I make my order.  As I begin to pull forward Little Man yells out.... "HELLO!"

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Woman Stuff

My mom had come for the day.  While here I left her with Addilece so I could pick up Little Man from school.  During this time Addilece had helped my mom make a lemon and honey drink for me.  When I got home Addilece declares:

"Mom, I helped Nana make woman stuff."