Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Just making myself pretty

I put Addilece's hair up in pigtails and braided it.  This was the first time I was every able to do this.  She looked adorable and she knew it.  She decided she wanted to do "her makeup".  So I handed her a few make-up items and set her on the bed while I did mine.  She knows that make-up for her is "just pretend".  I turned around and discovered that she thought she would be wearing eye shadow.  She still looked adorable though.

Later I was telling her Daddy I was bummed to not have a camera to capture it.  5 minutes after I got off the phone she said this:
A: I sorry.
M: Your sorry? For what?
A: For camera.

Friday, November 25, 2011

While going to the bathroom:

Daddy you get out.  I need pie-see (privacy).

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Addilece has declared herself a "big girl" for quit awhile so the beginning of this conversation baffled me:

Addilece: I a baby.
Me: You're a baby?  I thought you were a big girl.
A: No I a baby.  Dam-ma (grandma) and Damp-pa (grandpa) come babysit me.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Baby Jesus

We were reading Addilece's Bible to her when she came across a picture of Jesus as a baby.  She was very interested in him.  After finding out all about Baby Jesus she declared, "I see him in heaven."

The next day we had this conversation:

Addilece:  Jesus in heaven.
Me: Yes, Jesus is in heaven.
A: I walk Him.
M: Your going to walk WITH Him?  Yeah, I bet you can.
A: No, I walk Him and hold Him, and feed Him.
M: Ohhh, you mean BABY Jesus?
A: Yeah!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Nanas not Nana

I asked Addilce if she wanted Banana's for lunch.  She got all excited saying "Nana for lunch. Nana for lunch."  At lunch time she ask, "Where Nana?  I eat lunch with her."  I had to explain to a very disapointed little girl that she could have BAnanas for lunch but her Nana was not coming for lunch.