Sunday, February 27, 2011

I had just gotten done telling Addilece our emphamis line "use your words, not your whines." and I asked her this:

Mommy: Addilece do you have big words?
Addilece: No
M: Do you have little words?
A: No
M: Do you have medium words?
A: No
M: Do you have medium words?
A: No
M: Do you have anywords?
A: No
M: What words do you have?
A: Just one word!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Our parrot has started doing a little more then parroting:

Daddy (to me):  Honey, you can't judge.
Addilece:  No judge.
Addilece is babbling.
Daddy: Is that right baby girl?
Addilece: I right!

Which One?

A converstation with Papa yesterday:

Papa:  Addilece say "hacky"
Addilece: Yucky
P:  Hacky
A: Yucky
P:  Ha-cky
A:  Yucky

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Present from Pawpaw

Pawpaw was sweet enough to give all his grandkids something for Valentine's Day.  We kept them up rather late that night (sorry guys!!!) and Addilece was very out of it when she recieved her present.  The next morning she grabbed the gift and without prompting yell "CHOC-EE".

Monday, February 14, 2011


We are having a particularly trying day around in trying Mommy's patience.  So I grabbed the bag of M&M's and dashed to our bedroom for a quick breather.  I was able to grab a handful out and hid the bag before Little Miss cam plodding in behind me.

I had the yummy snack hidden in my hands when Addilece decides to grab my hand with out anything to investigate.  I show it to her but she's still not convinced.  So I "skillfully" switch the candy to my other hand and show her hand two is empty.  Board she grabs hand one to try and take me some place.  In the processes she feels the M&M's in my hand.  Her eyes light up and she yells "OOOOOOOO".  I was CAUGHT!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Daddy leaves the room to use the restroom.
Addilece points at him and looks at me, wondering where Daddy went.

M: Daddy's going potty.
A: Poddy??
M: Yes, potty.


Eating super last night (Taco Salad)

Daddy: Here Addilece, try a piece of lettuce.  It's good.
Addilece (without touching the lettuce): It's yuck!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Addilece has an attachment to two different "bank-ees".  The last couple of days she has been super interested in a BIG blue blanket that Daddy gave me for my birthday shortly after we started dating.  Its really similar in feel.  It has become our "snuggle blanket".

This morning Addilece grabbed one of her blankets, the big blue blanket, and my hand.  She pulled me over to the couch, patted one of the seats and declare "NUGGLE" (snuggle).  How can a momma say no to that?

Anothe picture from the day.  Addilece with her blankets and a book.  Love days like this.


This morning Daddy said "buh-bye" a few minutes before he had to actually leave.

Addilece holds out forehead for a buh-bye kiss.
Daddy gives it.
A:  Mo-ee's toorn.... (and points to Mommy)
D: gives Mommy kiss.
A:  My toorn (points to self
D: kisses
A: Mo-ee's toorn (and points to Mommy)
D: kisses
A: My toorn  (points to self)

She did this for about 10 minutes

Saturday, February 5, 2011


We are always telling Addilece how pretty she is.  She can parrot the word but she's never said it with any meaning.  Until:

Addilece (pointing to hersefl): I pitty (pretty)
Daddy and Mommy:  Yes!  Your are!
A (runs up to Daddy and points):  You pitty
Mommy:  Awww....yes, Daddy's pretty.
A (runs up to Mommy and points):  You pitty
Daddy:  Mommy is VERY pretty.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Yesterday Addilece ran into my bedroom while I was getting ready.  In toddler jibberish she told me something was very wrong.  She grabbed my finger and pulled me into the kitchen.  She had taken four things from her play kitchen and dropped them into the sink and couldn't get them back.  I got them out of the sink for her and went back to getting ready.

Ten minutes later I realized she was padding back and forth between the kitchen and her bedroom.  When I went to investigate this is what I found:

Just for Papa.....It's everything AND the kitchen sink.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


This is "A" tock-in on the "phone."  Its a pretty common occurance at our home.  Here is a calculator.  Its also been a hand help (rather old school) battle ship game from her Daddy and an old broken cell phone.  She'll also use Daddy and my cells if she gets ahold of them.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Irresistibly Cute

These are some of "A's" words that get me every time.  I can't help but wear a huge smile on my face every time I hear them:

Nelmo (Elmo)
Choc-ee (Chocolate)
Da Poo (Pooh)
Da Book-ee (Book)
Tis-kit (Triscut)
Da-a-lee (Addilece)
Dane-jis (Dangerous)
Lub OOO (Love You)